11 More Models Added to NEW SEVS List
The latest list of approved models under transitional SEVS arrangements is now available. These are models NEVER BEFORE eligible for import to Australia and include hybrid / electric vehicles as well as significantly different versions of locally sold models. NOTE: Inclusion in this list is just the first step to importing one of these vehicles – a compliance package must then be approved...
March 27, 2020 / Australian Compliance, General News, Hybrid electric, Import Regulations
New Hybrid & Electric Import Options
Thanks to some pre-emptive changes ahead of the new SEVS regulations which will apply from 10 December this year, we can now import a growing range of secondhand and new hybrid and electric vehicles. Australia is lagging well behind most other high carbon footprint countries on reforming the transport sector to combat climate change, so the new regulations are a very welcome step in the right dire...
February 15, 2019 / General News, Import Regulations
The 1995 MG RV8 you sourced for me from Japan was an absolute stunner, thanks !