1990 R32 Nissan Skyline GTR NISMO ~ 1 of 500
Due to the recent rise in Skyline GT-R prices and the demand for collector cars generally, we have started to focus more on selected dealers that specialise in GT-R’s and classic cars, like this 1990 Nissan Skyline GTR NISMO Edition with only 27,000 kms which was recently available at the Best-R specialist GT-R dealership in Japan. Only 500 of these were made for sale to the general public...
July 29, 2016 / Classic cars, General News, GTR
$200K R34 GTR MSpec NUR
This last couple of months has seen some crazy prices being paid for R34 GTR’s like this 6,000 km R34 GTR MSpec NUR which would have ended up at about $200,000 AUD on road. The R34 GTR must surely be one of the most rapidly appreciating vehicles in the world at the moment. Read our latest article to find out what is going on to push prices this high this fast. R34 GTR Import Prices ~ Where ...
April 26, 2016 / General News, GTR
Hi Geoff
Last August I bought a 2002 Evo 7 GTA through you with only 11,000 kms. I have since sold the car and am looking at getting another EVO.
This time I am looking at a 7 GSR, 8 GSR, 8 MR or EVO 5. I would really like a black 8 or 7 GSR but am mainly looking for good value like the example you found for me last time. I would appreciate it if you could send me some examples or or even sign me up to the auction alerts again to get an idea of the prices etc.