Import Honda NSX under New 25 Year Import Rule (plus other classic models)
We’ve been receiving a large number of enquiries asking when it will be possible to start using the new 25 year rule to import vehicles like the early 90’s Honda NSX, as announced by the Govt. this week. Want to import Honda NSX under new 25 year import rule ? You’re definitely not alone ! ONLINE AUCTION SEARCH — start your research on any model by browsing upcoming aucti...
February 12, 2016 / Australian Compliance, General News, Import Regulations
Hi Geoff,
Just letting you know that I picked up the Nissan Leaf on Monday, and I am absolutely blown away by the car, it’s incredibly fun to drive.
After receiving it from the compliance workshop I was able to top it off at the mall in Rhodes, and it drove back to Port Kembla with no trouble. It’s so fast off the mark, silent, and I haven’t yet paid a cent for any fuel.
I did get a first-hand feel for Australia’s EV infrastructure after initially going to the NRMA fast charger to find it faulty, then driving to Sydney markets to find that one faulty as well.
If you recall the SOH was 81% but it still gives me 180-190km for a full charge with my regular driving. I’m using L1/2 chargers only since getting it home.
I haven’t had the language changed on the infotainment and it doesn’t pick up local FM, but I can pair my phone for online radio anyway.
Your service was excellent and the process beats buying from a local dealership. I’m sure when I’m looking for my next EV you’ll be hearing from me!
Regards, Ian