Toyota Estima Hybrid Import to Australia NOW
Toyota Estima Hybrid Import to Australia is now possible with SEVS compliance available in several States for the full build range of Estima 2.4L hybrid. The hybrid Estima is easily identified in searches by using the chassis code AHR20 / AHR20W and is also known as the Toyota Tarago in Australia, and the Toyota Previa in other markets. 7 and 8 seat versions are available and popular factory optio...
January 24, 2020 / Australian Compliance, General News, Hybrid electric
Hi Geoff,
Just wanted to say thanks for all the help you have given me over the past 4 or so months to source my 2011 V36 Skyline 370GT Type SP sedan. My friend has picked up the car and it seems to be in good order. Can’t wait to get back and drive it! Anyway thanks for answering my questions and emails and keeping calm during the wait – it is much appreciated and I will definitely recommend you to anyone who is interested in importing a car.