Aircon Gas Import Laws Relaxed
Importers of low numbers of used vehicles into Australia will now be able to import approx. 35 vehicles per year (up to 25kg of gas) without degassing or obtaining a license, thanks to recent amendments to the Degassing Laws. The rule was originally limited to no more than 5 units (in a single consignment) in a 2 year period per importer. This rule has been updated for certain aircon gas types: ...
January 10, 2018 / General News, Import Regulations
After viewing the cars coming up at auction I have decided to postpone importing for the time-being.
Your service and responses however were excellent and I would certainly consider it in the future for my next car purchase. I have also recommended you to my friends who are in the market for imported cars.
Thanks again for your help, your search system is great.
Cheers, Morgan
* Image for example purposes