Low km EVO 6 GSR Collector Car
This blue EVO 6 GSR with just 38,100 km was auctioned and SOLD at USS Tokyo on 21 February 2019 for 2.25 million Yen FOB. The final price was equivalent to approx. $36,800 complied in Australia, plus tyres and on road costs (@79 Yen to the dollar). VIN: CP9A-0104022. Low km examples like this are very attractive to collectors and usually sell for well above average market price. Grade 4 B. Pai...
February 22, 2019 / Classic cars, General News
Hey Geoff,
The compliance was finalised for my car today so I thought I would send you a few pics of it like I said I would.
(the interior was PERFECT by the way – the guy who owned it was very clean – even the stock mats are not damaged or dirty)
Thanks for your help to import my pristine R34 GTR VSpec from Japan, it was exactly what I wanted. Best wishes for the future.
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