1988 PORSCHE 911 Turbo Coupe, SOLD for $128K+
Classic Porsche prices have been increasing for some years with no sign of this slowing. A good example is this LHD 1988 Porsche 911 Turbo Coupe with 57,000 km which sold today for the Japanese Yen equivalent of over $128,000 landed in Australia once import costs are allowed for. It was eligible for import to Australia under the existing 1988 and older rule. To research past prices, you can brows...
June 18, 2016 / Classic cars, General News
Thanks Geoff, I would like to extend my free trial as the car I am looking for must be there somewhere !!!
Has been great to see the cars and what they go for, work out the total cost, massage the numbers for things I didn’t expect and then move to the next example.
* Image for example purposes.