Skyline R32 Gts-t Prices
Want to know what Skyline R32 Gts-t’s are selling for ? This 1990 5 speed Skyline R32 Gts-t coupe was inspected for a client and sold this morning in Tokyo. View full auction inspection pictures for this 1990 Skyline R32 Gts-t coupe. 105,746 km, graded 3.5 B. Aftermarket exhaust, wheels and TOMEI boost gauge. Overall condition of the interior, engine and body was actually very good for age...
June 22, 2017 / Classic cars, General News
Hi Geoff,
Finally collected my 350GT on Saturday. Drives and looks very new both inside and out befitting it’s 13,500 km and 4.5 A grading. Just waiting on the compliance plate for the car now so that it can be registered. Overall very happy with the car. Everything is in order as described. Thanks for your help in obtaining this vehicle.