Skyline R32 Gts-t Prices
Want to know what Skyline R32 Gts-t’s are selling for ? This 1990 5 speed Skyline R32 Gts-t coupe was inspected for a client and sold this morning in Tokyo. View full auction inspection pictures for this 1990 Skyline R32 Gts-t coupe. 105,746 km, graded 3.5 B. Aftermarket exhaust, wheels and TOMEI boost gauge. Overall condition of the interior, engine and body was actually very good for age...
June 22, 2017 / Classic cars, General News
Hi Geoff,
Thank you for all your help during the importation process it was great. I will definitely recommend you to anyone I know who will be looking to import as well.
Thanks again, Airfun