Skyline R32 Gts-t Prices
Want to know what Skyline R32 Gts-t’s are selling for ? This 1990 5 speed Skyline R32 Gts-t coupe was inspected for a client and sold this morning in Tokyo. View full auction inspection pictures for this 1990 Skyline R32 Gts-t coupe. 105,746 km, graded 3.5 B. Aftermarket exhaust, wheels and TOMEI boost gauge. Overall condition of the interior, engine and body was actually very good for age...
June 22, 2017 / Classic cars, General News
The modified 1989 Nissan Silvia with GTR engine is awesome and we are very happy! We took it for a drive last night and it certainly goes fast!
It’s pretty hard to drive as its got a twin or triple plate clutch in it… but i am sure it will be great out on the track.
So we just wanted to say thank you! We are very happy with the car and very happy with your service. We have certainly recommended you (and will keep doing so) to everyone that wants to import a car, particularly a beast Silvia like this one!
— Jo
View more pictures for this 1989 Nissan Silvia 2.6L twin turbo