RARE 1994 R32 GTR VSPEC II N1 Sells for $217K
This RARE 1994 Nissan Skyline R32 GTR VSPEC II N1 (#21 of 63) with just 32,680 km was inspected for a client at USS Tokyo auction on 21 February 2019. VIN: BNR32-310531. View full auction inspection pictures and details for this 1994 R32 GTR VSPEC II N1 It sold for around the 12,700,000 Yen FOB mark, or approx. $217,000 complied in Australia, plus tyres and on road costs (@ 79 Yen to the dollar a...
February 22, 2019 / Classic cars, General News, GTR
Got my EVO 6.5 the other day, it was everything I hoped for and is in the process of getting a roadworthy at the moment.
The car has a couple of small things needing attention as described but otherwise it’s great, thanks for all your help Geoff. Do you know when it was last serviced ? The fluids look new so does the air filter !
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