Kms 0
Capacity cc
Extras -
Vehicles are graded from 6 (best) to 0 with A (best) to D used for interior grade. 0, R, A are all used to denote repaired vehicles, with RA, A1 being minor repairs. *** is used when there is major existing damage or fault. Our Japanese Auction Guide has a full explanation of how the auctions work and more detail about the grading including abbreviations used in the auction inspection reports. Most relevant information is understandable by anyone, and positive and negative comments in Japanese will be translated for clients. So you don't need to read Japanese ! We use the auction reports as a guide only, and always inspect vehicles in person ourselves. See our FAQ Vehicle condition and the importance of vehicle inspections for why this is so critical.

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Auction Date 01-01-1970

The date this vehicle was or will be auctioned. Please note that you must be registered as a client in advance before we can inspect and bid on vehicles for you.

Auction Time 10:00
The approx. auction time in Japan. This varies depending on how quickly the auction progresses and delays can occur due to computer systems.

The Best Auctions

While Japan has more than 70 auctions each week, in reality most vehicles are sourced from a smaller number of major auctions.

Several small auctions are held on Monday but most are online only such as AUCNET and NPS Tokyo Nyusatsu which don't enable physical inspections as there is no centralised auction location.

Other auctions are so small that it is not viable to have an agent there to inspect vehicles.

For the best selection of vehicles, condition and prices our favourite auctions are in Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Kobe and Fukuoka:

USS Yokohama, JU Saitama, CAA Tokyo, CAA Gifu


USS Tokyo, Hanaten Osaka, KCAA Fukuoka

USS Nagoya, USS Osaka

HAA Kobe, JU Gifu, USS Fukuoka

Auctions We Avoid

We specifically avoid all Sapporo auctions due to rust issues.

Sapporo is on the island of Hokkaido in the far north of Japan very near Russia, they have about 7 months of snow each year and salt the roads. That means nearly all vehicles there are affected by rust.

We also avoid auctions in Gunma on Thursday and Saturday, as like Sapporo this is a heavy snow area.

BCN Saitama auction on Wednesdays has been renamed 'MiRIVE' and is located in Fukuya City, Saitama prefecture. It is only a small 'outback' style auction.

Fukuoka in the south of Japan has a couple of good auctions each week and can offer some good deals. Allow for additional inland transport of about 40,000 Yen to Osaka for shipping if required, as vessels do not always call into nearby Moji Port.

Start Price 0 YEN
Most vehicles sell for significantly more than the start price and nearly all vehicles will have an undisclosed reserve price set by the seller. A zero start price may only indicate the start price has not yet been entered.
Final Price Not yet available
NOTE: From Dec 2016 USS auctions completely stopped publishing SALE PRICES online. Since then the only way to know what a vehicle sells for at an auction run by USS is to be bidding yourself or by watching the bidding live. Sales data is available for non-USS auctions and this can still be used for price research. The last bid price achieved will be shown here following auction (if available). This may take 24 to 48 hours to update depending on auction systems. Check Current Status to find out whether the vehicle was Sold, Passed In (reserve price not met), or Sold on Negotiation (final price not published). For final price calculations use actual SOLD prices only.
Current Status Not yet available
Denotes whether the vehicle is Unsold (awaiting auction), was Sold, Unsold / Passed In (reserve price not met), or Sold on Negotiation (final price not published).
Auction Date 01-01-1970
The date this vehicle was or will be auctioned. Please note that you must be registered as a client in advance before we can inspect and bid on vehicles for you.
Auction Time 10:00
The approx. auction time in Japan. This varies depending on how quickly the auction progresses and delays can occur due to computer systems.

The Best Auctions

While Japan has more than 70 auctions each week, in reality most vehicles are sourced from a smaller number of major auctions.

Several small auctions are held on Monday but most are online only such as AUCNET and NPS Tokyo Nyusatsu which don't enable physical inspections as there is no centralised auction location.

Other auctions are so small that it is not viable to have an agent there to inspect vehicles.

For the best selection of vehicles, condition and prices our favourite auctions are in Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Kobe and Fukuoka:

USS Yokohama, JU Saitama, CAA Tokyo, CAA Gifu


USS Tokyo, Hanaten Osaka, KCAA Fukuoka

USS Nagoya, USS Osaka

HAA Kobe, JU Gifu, USS Fukuoka

Auctions We Avoid

We specifically avoid all Sapporo auctions due to rust issues.

Sapporo is on the island of Hokkaido in the far north of Japan very near Russia, they have about 7 months of snow each year and salt the roads. That means nearly all vehicles there are affected by rust.

We also avoid auctions in Gunma on Thursday and Saturday, as like Sapporo this is a heavy snow area.

BCN Saitama auction on Wednesdays has been renamed 'MiRIVE' and is located in Fukuya City, Saitama prefecture. It is only a small 'outback' style auction.

Fukuoka in the south of Japan has a couple of good auctions each week and can offer some good deals. Allow for additional inland transport of about 40,000 Yen to Osaka for shipping if required, as vessels do not always call into nearby Moji Port.

Start Price 0 YEN
Most vehicles sell for significantly more than the start price and nearly all vehicles will have an undisclosed reserve price set by the seller. A zero start price may only indicate the start price has not yet been entered.
Final Price Not yet available
NOTE: From Dec 2016 USS auctions completely stopped publishing SALE PRICES online. Since then the only way to know what a vehicle sells for at an auction run by USS is to be bidding yourself or by watching the bidding live. Sales data is available for non-USS auctions and this can still be used for price research. The last bid price achieved will be shown here following auction (if available). This may take 24 to 48 hours to update depending on auction systems. Check Current Status to find out whether the vehicle was Sold, Passed In (reserve price not met), or Sold on Negotiation (final price not published). For final price calculations use actual SOLD prices only.
Current Status Not yet available
Denotes whether the vehicle is Unsold (awaiting auction), was Sold, Unsold / Passed In (reserve price not met), or Sold on Negotiation (final price not published).
Japan auction systems work on short timeframes
Bidding requires advance preparation

BEFORE bidding on a vehicle at auction we require:

  • Our agent fee (depends on service required)
  • Your contact information

Additional Information

To inspect and bid on vehicles you must be a client PRIOR to a suitable vehicle coming up on auction day

Clients receive higher resolution pictures plus personal inspection of every vehicle

We recommend you prepare in advance once you have decided to use our service, so as not to miss the perfect vehicle

  • Read our Auction Guide which explains how to read the auction sheets and how auctions work

Information displayed on this page is taken directly from third party supplied auction data. Prestige Motorsport cannot be held liable for any loss or damage resulting from inaccuracies.