Source a vehicle for import to Australia $1,100 + GST
As our service fee is the same for any vehicle it is in our interest to find you the best vehicle for the lowest price. After all, the better the vehicle and the lower the price (and the easier we make the process), the more likely you are to use our services again and recommend others.
Thanks to our contacts in the industry, we are often able to pass on savings with trade prices for shipping and compliance, which together with initial savings on the vehicle price usually more than pay for our service fee.
We inspect and bid on as many vehicles as needed, to find you the right one. We will guide you as to suitable bid limits and advise you of outstanding vehicles that are worthy of a maximum budget, but will never pressure you to buy no matter how long the search may take or how many vehicles we need to inspect.
Source a vehicle for a Japanese domestic buyer (for continued use within Japan) $968
Arrange export and import procedures to ship a personal vehicle from Japan to Australia $968 (includes professional valuation required for Australian Customs)
Advise on import procedures for a vehicle from any country to Australia $968 (includes professional valuation required for Australian Customs)
Vehicle valuation report for Australian Customs $242
Points Worth Noting
When buying a car from auction, the standard Japanese export agent fee starts from about 100,000 yen, increasing on a sliding scale as car cost increases.
We can advise you on this fee in advance depending on what you plan to spend.
The export agent fee is additional to our service fee and covers Japan side costs — auction fees, transport, de-registration, export paperwork and procedures, bank transfer fees and EMS / DHL postage of important paperwork (including the Export Certificate) and any vehicle books / spare keys to you.
When exporting a vehicle that is already owned and registered in Japan in your name (for example if you are returning home to Australia and want to bring your vehicle with you), a Japanese agent will still be required to assist with deregistration procedures, transport, shipping, paperwork and EMS / DHL postage of your documents. The price is generally 80,000 yen or so plus transport which will depend on the location and type of vehicle. We can provide a quote once you advise these details.
You may be quoted a cheaper Japan side cost elsewhere but do be warned, service also varies and a few hundred dollars saved initially will seem insignificant later on if paperwork is not handled correctly, your vehicle sits at the Port for weeks without being shipped, you get charged for unnecessary cleaning on arrival, or the vehicle is shipped to the wrong location or using a more expensive shipping service.
Hi Geoff,
At long last, I have been united with the S3. So far so good, I’ve driven it a little bit. And it’s going in for a thorough health check today.
Thanks again for helping make this a reality for me.