2002 R34 GTR VSPEC2 NUR Sells for $287K complied
This 2002 Nissan Skyline R34 GTR VSPEC2 NUR (Nür #161/1003; V-Spec II Nür #120/718) with just 4,170 km was sold at USS Tokyo auction on 14 March 2019. VIN: BNR34-403071. It sold for around the 16,400,000 Yen FOB mark, or approx. $287,000 complied in Australia, plus tyres and on road costs (@ 78.3 Yen to the dollar and including LCT). Low km and rare model examples like this are very attractive ...
March 14, 2019 / Classic cars, General News, GTR
Hi Geoff,
Unfortunately I have purchased a new car, I bought a 2009 Honda Accord V6 (somewhat different to what I was originally looking for) although I wanted to say how I appreciated the great service you have provided, I found you to be the most thorough and informative when it came to approaching different car importers. The online trial you provide was great, I’d always look forward to seeing what car was selling in a few hours, knowing that what I was searching for came straight to my email which I could check on my phone in bed! 🙂
Anyways thank you for your service 🙂